
This guide will help you install and set up Runwasi on your system.


Before installing Runwasi, ensure you have the following prerequisites installed:

Additionally, check the contributing guide for detailed instructions on setting up your environment with all required dependencies.

Installation Methods

Option 1: Installing Prebuilt Binaries

The easiest way to get started is to download prebuilt binaries from the GitHub releases page.

  1. Navigate to the releases page

  2. Download the appropriate shim for your preferred WebAssembly runtime:

    • containerd-shim-wasmtime-v1 - for Wasmtime runtime
    • containerd-shim-wasmedge-v1 - for WasmEdge runtime
    • containerd-shim-wasmer-v1 - for Wasmer runtime
    • containerd-shim-wamr-v1 - for WebAssembly Micro Runtime (WAMR)
  3. Make the binary executable and move it to your PATH:

chmod +x containerd-shim-wasmtime-v1
sudo install containerd-shim-wasmtime-v1 /usr/local/bin/
  1. Verify the binary signature (recommended):
# Verify using cosign
cosign verify-blob \
    --signature containerd-shim-wasmtime-v1.sig \
    --certificate containerd-shim-wasmtime-v1.pem \
    --certificate-identity \
    --certificate-oidc-issuer \

Option 2: Building from Source

To build and install Runwasi from source:

  1. Clone the repository:
git clone
cd runwasi
  1. Build the shim for your preferred runtime:
make build

Note: make build will only build shims for all runtimes. You can specify which runtime to build with make build-wasmtime, make build-wasmer, make build-wasmedge, make build-wamr etc.

  1. Install the binary:
sudo make install

The make install command copies the binary to $PATH

Testing Your Installation

After installation, you can test your setup by pulling and running a test image:

  1. Pull the test image:
sudo ctr pull
  1. Run a test container:
sudo ctr run --rm --runtime=io.containerd.wasmtime.v1 testwasm

You should see output from the demo application.

Next Steps

Now that you have runwasi shims installed, you can proceed to the Demos to learn how to run WebAssembly workloads with Runwasi.