OCI pre-compilation
The OCI images layers are loaded from containerd. If the runtime supports pre-compilation the images will be precompiled and cached using the containerd content store.
graph TD start[Task new] imgconfig[Load image config from containerd] iswasm{Arch==wasm?} alreadycompiled{Does image label for shim runtime version exist? runwasi.io/precompiled/runtime/version} startcontainer[Create Container] precompiledenabled{Is precompiling enabled in shim?} precompiledenabled2{Is precompiling enabled in shim?} fetchcache[Fetch cached precompiled layer from containerd content store] precompile[Precompile using wasm runtime] loadoci[Load OCI layers from containerd] storecache[Store precompiled layer in containerd content store] start --> imgconfig --> iswasm iswasm -- yes --> precompiledenabled iswasm -- no. wasm will be loaded from file inside image --> startcontainer precompiledenabled -- yes --> alreadycompiled precompiledenabled -- no --> loadoci --> precompiledenabled2 alreadycompiled -- yes --> fetchcache --> startcontainer alreadycompiled -- no --> loadoci precompiledenabled2 -- yes --> precompile --> storecache --> startcontainer precompiledenabled2 -- no --> startcontainer
Once a wasm module or component is pre-compiled it will remain in the containerd content store until the original image is removed from containerd. There is a small disk overhead associated with this but it reduces the complexity of managing stored versions during upgrades.
To view the images in containerd that have associated pre-compilations:
sudo ctr i ls | grep "runwasi.io"
ghcr.io/containerd/runwasi/wasi-demo-oci:latest application/vnd.oci.image.manifest.v1+json
sha256:60fccd77070dfeb682a1ebc742e9d677fc452b30a6b99188b081c968992394ce 2.4 MiB wasi/wasm
# query for the sha in the label
sudo ctr content ls | grep "b36753ab5a46f26f6bedb81b8a7b489cede8fc7386f139870"
sha256:60fccd77070dfeb682a1ebc742e9d677fc452b30a6b99188b081c968992394ce 561B 2 months containerd.io/gc.ref.content.0=sha256:a3c18cd551d54d3cfbf67acc9e8f7ef5761e76827fe7c1ae163fca0193be88b3,containerd.io/gc.ref.content.config=sha256:85b7f2b562fe8665ec9d9e6d47ab0b24e2315627f5f558d298475c4038d71e8b,containerd.io/gc.ref.content.precompile=sha256:b36753ab5a46f26f6bedb81b8a7b489cede8fc7386f1398706782e225fd0a98e
sha256:b36753ab5a46f26f6bedb81b8a7b489cede8fc7386f1398706782e225fd0a98e 626.4kB 3 days runwasi.io/precompiled=sha256:60fccd77070dfeb682a1ebc742e9d677fc452b30a6b99188b081c968992394ce