
The Runwasi project thrives thanks to its community of contributors and users. We welcome participation from individuals and organizations interested in running WebAssembly workloads in container environments.

Communication Channels


  • If you haven’t joined the CNCF Slack yet, you can do so here.
  • Come join us on our #runwasi channel on the CNCF Slack.

Community Calls

We hold regular community calls to discuss project updates, upcoming features, and address questions:

These calls are open to everyone interested in the project, regardless of experience level.

Getting Help

If you need help with Runwasi, there are several ways to get assistance:

  1. Slack: Ask questions in the #runwasi channel
  2. GitHub Issues: File an issue for bugs or feature requests
  3. Community Calls: Join our biweekly calls to discuss with the maintainers
  4. Documentation: Browse our documentation for guides and references


We welcome contributions of all kinds! Whether you’re fixing a typo, improving documentation, adding a feature, or reporting a bug, your help is appreciated.

See our Contributing Guide for detailed information.

Projects Using Runwasi

Runwasi is being used by several projects in the WebAssembly and container ecosystems:

If you’re using Runwasi in your project, we’d love to hear about it! Let us know on Slack or during a community call.

Code of Conduct

Runwasi follows the CNCF Code of Conduct. We are committed to providing a welcoming and inclusive environment for all participants.

Roadmap and Future Direction

To learn about our current development focus and future plans, check out our Roadmap.